Five Ways Acronis Modern Backup Solutions Combat Ransomware

Ransomware is an ever-present threat in today’s digital landscape, requiring robust and innovative solutions to ensure data protection and business continuity. Acronis, a leader in cyber protection, offers a suite of advanced features designed to combat ransomware effectively. Here are five ways Acronis modern backup solutions help defend against ransomware attacks.

1. Acronis Active Protection: Real-Time Defense

Acronis Active Protection is a cutting-edge technology that provides real-time defense against ransomware. It uses behavioral heuristics and machine learning to monitor system activities and detect potential ransomware attacks.

How It Works:

  • The system continuously observes patterns of file modifications.
  • Suspicious activities trigger automatic responses, such as blocking unauthorized processes and notifying administrators.
  • It can even revert affected files to their safe versions automatically, ensuring minimal disruption.

2. Immutable Backups: Unchangeable and Secure

Acronis offers immutable backup solutions that protect backup data from being altered or deleted by ransomware. This feature ensures that once a backup is created, it cannot be tampered with, providing a reliable recovery point.

How It Works:

  • Backup data is stored in a write-once, read-many (WORM) format, making it unchangeable.
  • These immutable backups ensure that clean data is always available for restoration, even if primary systems are compromised.

3. AI-Based Threat Detection: Smart and Proactive

Acronis integrates artificial intelligence (AI) into its backup solutions to enhance threat detection capabilities. The AI engine analyzes data patterns and behaviors to identify and mitigate ransomware threats proactively.

How It Works:

  • AI algorithms scan for anomalies and unusual activities in real-time.
  • The system can predict and prevent ransomware attacks by identifying early warning signs.
  • Continuous learning from new threats ensures that the system stays updated and effective against evolving ransomware tactics.

4. Air-Gapped and Hybrid Cloud Storage: Isolated and Flexible

Acronis supports air-gapped and hybrid cloud storage options, providing additional layers of security. Air-gapped storage physically separates backup data from the network, while hybrid cloud solutions combine local and cloud-based storage for enhanced protection and flexibility.

How It Works:

  • Air-gapped backups are stored offline, making them inaccessible to ransomware.
  • Hybrid cloud storage allows for secure and redundant backup copies both on-premises and in the cloud.
  • This dual approach ensures data availability and integrity, even in the event of a ransomware attack.

5. Comprehensive Data Encryption: End-to-End Security

Encryption is a critical component of Acronis’ backup solutions. Data is encrypted both during transmission and while at rest, ensuring that it remains secure from unauthorized access.

How It Works:

  • Acronis uses advanced encryption standards (AES-256) to protect data throughout its lifecycle.
  • Encryption keys are managed securely to prevent unauthorized decryption.
  • Even if ransomware manages to access backup data, the encrypted files remain unreadable without the correct keys.


Acronis modern backup solutions provide a multi-layered defense against ransomware, combining real-time protection, immutable backups, AI-based threat detection, air-gapped storage, and comprehensive encryption. These advanced features ensure that organizations can safeguard their data, maintain business continuity, and quickly recover from ransomware attacks. By leveraging Acronis’ innovative technologies, businesses can stay ahead of cyber threats and protect their valuable data assets effectively.